webmaster: Sven F. Crone
Centre for Forecasting Lancaster University Management School Lancaster LA1 4YF United Kingdom Tel +44.1524.592991 Fax +44.1524.844885 eMail sven dot crone (at) neural-forecasting dot com | |
Other Time Series Data
- Collection from the
University of York
Some time series data
sets from Mike West.
- List of
data sources on the forecasting principles site.
Bureau of Statistics time series service.
- UK Macroeconomic time
series data
Economagic: Browsable library of time
series data, including many major US time series, as well as time series from
Japan, Canada, and Europe.
Macroeconomic Time Series Data: Collection of annual macroeconomic time
series data for the US, Canada, Japan, and many European countries.
Global Financial Data: extensive,
long-term historical indices on stock markets, interest rates, exchange rates
and inflation rates for over 50 countries back to the 1690s.
US Census Bureau
Survey of Professional Forecasters:
Median forecasts of 24 economic variables since 1968. Provided by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Formerly the ASA/NBER Economic Outlook Survey.
EconDataA Source of Economic Time Series Data from INFORUM, at the
University of Maryland.
Time web: time series data bank
from the UK.
US infostore.com: an online service
providing timely access to thousands of macroeconomic time series.
- Trends: a compendium of
data on global environmental change
- JISAO climate data
archive: Climate data from the Joint Institute for the Study of the
Atmosphere and the Oceans