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ISF2005 Neural Network Forecasting CompetitionThe organisers would like to thank everyone for participating in the 2005 ISF neural network forecasting competition. We are thankfull for the many suggestions on how to improve the experimental design and are planning an extended forecasting competition for the 2006 ISF.
Upon request, only the top 5 submissions were identified by author. All others are disclosed upon request by the participants. 5 submissions were not accepted.
DatasetsThe following page will host the datasets for the ISF 2005 time series competition for forecasting principles.
Dataset 1: Airline passenger Data
Dataset 2: Unknown Time Series
Submission Instructions
NOTE: These instructions are taken from the MS Excel file contaiing the datasets. INDIVIDUAL DEADLINE EXTENSIONS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST !!! 1. Submit your abstract (200 words, no maths etc.) summarizing your neural network method & modelling process
- Where to submit: ISF05 website http://www.isf2005.org/submissions.php 3. Fill in your forecast results for 2 time series on sheets "Dataset 1" and "Dataset 2" in the MS Excel file - input your solutions for the airline time series on sheet "Dataset 1" replacing the ?s in column C (C146:C193)- input your solutions for the unknown time series on sheet "Dataset 2" replacing the ?s in column C (C87:C127) - as the original data is given in thousands, please round to integer values. 4. Fill in your description of your forecasting method on "Questionnaire 1" and "Questionnaire 2" in the MS Excel file - please give a detailed description of your method / neural network architecture used and process of determining it- use a verbal or mathematical description (formatting is not a relevant issue - content is!) - it should allow someone unfamiliar with your modelling approach to recapture the relevant decisions to generate your forecasts 3. Submit your description of your forecasting method via email - rename this file "ISF05_NN_yournamehere.xls", replacing "yournamehere" with the first author family name.- send this file in an email to ISF05-NN-competition@neural-forecasting.com with "ISF05-NN-competition" in the subject - include your name, filename and email-address in your email body - When to submit: deadline is - Should you not receive a confirmation within 48 hours of your submission contact s.crone@neural-forecasting.com --> Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 31 March 2005 |
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